In this post, we give you some guidelines to help you decide what is the best backsplash tile to match your granite countertops.
When you remodel your kitchen to get the room you’ve always dreamed of, after choosing granite countertops, the next step will be choosing a backsplash to match your countertops.
Granite countertops are available in many styles of patterns and color choices; it’s one of the great advantages. You may find both light and dark colored granite countertops, busy patterns, subtle veining, some with large swooping veins, others with splotches, or dotted with color or very light veining.
Every slab of granite you encounter is unique, making it a challenge to create universal rules about what works and how to choose your backsplash. Despite this, we can create some guidelines on how to pair your granite countertops with the tile for your backsplash.
How to Match Granite Countertops to Backsplash
Below are some different approaches you can take to help guide your choice of a backsplash.
You’ll usually have a better match when one of your elements is showy and the other one is more subtle. For example, a bright and patterned backsplash tile will go better with a light and subtle granite.
Select the countertop first
One strategy to start with is to pick your granite countertop first. It’s more likely to be the center of attention for your kitchen, so it’s the best place to start. Your choice of granite will help eliminate many choices of backsplashes.
There are many more choices in color and styles for backsplash tiles, so it will be easier to find a match than if you bought the tile first. You don’t necessarily need to exactly match the color or pattern of your tile to that of your granite. Sometimes a simple and neutral colored backsplash will be a good choice.
Related: How to Pick Granite Color for Countertops
Select the backsplash first
Sometimes, you may have the perfect backsplash picked out already before you’ve chosen your granite. This can often make choosing the right granite more of a challenge, but it’s certainly not impossible.
When the backsplash is chosen first, often it will become the center of attention in the room. If you go for a statement-making backsplash, pick a more restrained and subtle granite countertop material so that backsplash can shine.
Use your countertop granite as backsplash material
One way to keep the selection process simple is to run your countertop material up onto the wall as the backsplash instead of choosing a tile at all. When considering this, look at the whole slab and choose the part you want to highlight. There may be a distinct part of the pattern you’ll enjoy seeing on the wall.
Related: How to Match Your Granite Countertops and Cabinets

Select a ceramic tile in a color that is in your granite
A great way to pick a tile for your backsplash is to choose a tile that has a color matching the vein or spot colors in your granite.
Related: Types of Granite Countertops
Use a neutral glass tile
The gloss of glass tile complements many granites. Consider a neutral tone that’s a close match for the main color field in the granite.
Select a simple tile with eclectic accents
You could pick a neutral colored tile to go with your granite countertop and then liven up the backsplash with some mosaic elements or a limited number of tiles in a different color or pattern to break it up and add interest.
Use subway tile
Subway tile has been trendy recently, but it really works well in certain styles of kitchens and in historic homes.
Related: Granite Countertops vs Quartz Countertops
We hope this information helps you choose the right backsplash to go with your granite countertops. If you want help choosing a tile, our designers will be happy to assist you.
For information on granite countertops, contact us online or call 314.533.3366
Graniterra is located in St. Louis, Missouri and supplies natural stone and granite countertops and provides expert installation from our in-house team. With over 30 years in the stone business, we have the knowledge & experience to deliver a perfect project. Request a quote